

Thank you for enquiring about our Parish, for taking the time to read the Parish Profile of Holy Trinity Potten End and for considering this as a place where God may be calling you to serve Him, His people and His word as Vicar.

The vacancy has arisen following the appointment of The Rev’d. Penny Nash as Chaplain of Wycombe Abbey. Penny joined us in September 2009 as Team Vicar and Youth Minister at St Peter’s, Berkhamsted.

We have been richly blessed by God during Penny’s ministry over the past nine years and rejoice and give thanks to God for the significant progress that has been made in making our church more vibrant and welcoming.  We are now seeking a parish priest who will continue to develop our faith and help us to achieve our vision, which is;

“We aim to be a welcoming, inclusive all age church where all are encouraged and nurtured on a journey of Christian faith, of loving care and support to each other and the wider community by sharing God’s love.”

We hope to give you an understanding of who we are, what we are doing and some of our aspirations for the future.

Application forms and further information available from the Archdeacon of St Albans  email address:

For more details please contact: Canon Tim Pilkington on 01442 879739